Franki Chan Blog

11/17/03 - l.a. diaries pt 3

2003.11.17  20.55 l.a. diaries pt 3 (from livejournal) i'm beginning to get to a point here where things are comfortable. not in the sense of, you know, home, job, but now i have things going on. i have friends. i have a girl i really like. i'm not starving, yet. i still feel new, of course. i have a good 6 months of that left, but things have been moving faster than any other place i've ever lived. the possibilities really feel limitless. i've been inundated with so many options, so much opportunity, so many streets, people, nights, that sometimes i find myself sitting on the couch, just trying to figure out what to do next. there's so much information it's overwhelming. i've been feeling like a jerk because i haven't been able to remember everyone's names/jobs/stories. i haven't found a job yet, but looking for one has become full time. i get home, exhausted. how was work honey? oh fine, fine. can you buy dinner tonight? as stated earlier, things are picking up. i have a new night on thursdays at the beauty bar call fucking awesome!! it's har mar superstar, tammy and i. should do well, and maybe it's put enough money in my pocket to cover the now 5 FUCKING PARKING TICKETS i've gotten. even when i have a job, it's take me a month to pay off all this shit before i can even find a place. oh the wicked web we weave! real jobs are aroud. i think urban is working out and i may be a bartender yet. shit, you know, two hours ago i was so inspired to come write in this damn thing. i had an entire essay written in my head. it was passionate, life changing. i was going to inspire people. a plate of chinese food, air-drumming, and too much driving must of sucked the genious out. i need that moment. my muse doesn't really hang around long. it's frustrating. i need to buy a leash. instead, y'all get this mish mash of random thoughts. i'm sorry about that. i've been meaning to go back to my more focused, inspired writings, but lately, the only thing able to bring that out is romantic drama :) too much energy, too much time spent schoozing and boozing it up. can someone just pay me to do that as a job? i'm real good at it. that's it for now. i'll dive into the stuff next time.