Franki Chan Blog

09/20/03 - A Fucking Whirlwind.

2003.09.20  14.48 A Fucking Whirlwind. (from livejournal) 2:30pm- Saturday: woke up, not quite hung over, really dehydrated, with a full bladder. i need to blow my nose really bad. the toilet won't stop running. the kitchen floor is a different color and sticky. the bathtub is clogged with cigarette butts. there are beer bottles everywhere. i find random ziplock baggies too tiny to fit food and rolled up dollar bills. stacks of unkempt cd's. a haze of smoke still fills the air. my eyes hurt. who's fucking jacket is this? that after this... the chaos of the party. behind closed doors, in the hour before the party began, we discovered nothing worked. we scrambled and fixed it. people began showing up. walking people in free. carrying out drunk friend who passed out and fell on his face and busted his nose open. walking in on too many people enjoying my apartment at my expense. battleship dj'ing. scamming free drinks for my friends. 5000 "hey, how are you's?" and only one conversation. squeezing through the crowd. no, you cannot use the bathroom in my apartment. no, you cannot use my apartment as a coatcheck. being sweaty on the dance floor. fingers digging into the wall. perfecting the airdrum/mid 90's heavy d routine. warding off requests. drunk people skipping the records. who has a cigarette? do you have any coke? no, and i don't want to buy any. egg room party, the morning after. only one more left. i was impressed, The Walkmen out partyed a posse of us. at 9:30 in the morning, they were still ready to go and i was begging for my bed. i bet they play a shitty show tonight. Mood: sore Music: Cursive